Air-cooling units refer to heat transfer equipment and are designed for or cooling gases and liquids as well as condensation of steam and vapour-liquid media in the technological processes of chemical, petrochemical, oil refining, oil and gas industries with medium pressure from 0,6 to 6,3 MPa, or under vacuum with residual pressure not lower than 665 Pa and temperature not higher than 3000С, with viscosity downstream up to 5·10-5 m 2/s (cSt at 50°C). 
On Air-cooling units, the production of which is now fully mastered by «VCF TECHNOLOGIES» LLC, the standardized parametric and dimension ranges are created. The customer may carry out the choice of these units independently out of the indicated ranges: 


Climatic modification of units У1 и УХЛ1 – as per GOST Standard 15150.
The units are delivered for operation at an operating temperature of components operating under pressure, not lower than minus 300С – construction У1 and not lower than minus 400С - construction УХЛ1.
The units must be applied at temperatures and pressures corresponding to the specified in GOST Р 51364. 
Design-to-life cycle of units:

operating in a medium with a corrosion rate of up to 0,1 mm per year - 20 years;

operating in a medium with the corrosion rate of > 0,1 mm - as agreed with the customer.

On customer request, the units can be manufactured without supports, as well as with additional assembly units: a set of shutters with manual or pneumatic actuator, air humidifier, air heater, air-powered drive of fan blades adjustment.

Each unit has a reference designation in accordance with the technical specifications (TU) on the device. 


Technical characteristics  
Number of bays, pcs. 6
Finned surface factor of tubes 9; 20
Heat exchange surface area, m2 2298-6396
Nominal pressure, MPa 0,6; 1,6; 2,5; 4,0; 6,3
Number of banks of tubes in the bay 4; 6
Number of strokes through the tubes in the bay 1; 2; 2а; 4; 4а; 8
Length of tubes, m 6
Wheel diameter of fan, mm 5000
Electric motor nominal rating, kW 37; 55; 75
The number of fans in the unit 1
Unit weight, kg (depending on size) 16900-27000